T-Shirt: JCPenny | Plaid Shirt: Hot Topic | Shorts: SheIn | Bag: HalloweenCostumes.Com | Boots: American Eagle Outfitters (similar) | Choker: Forever 21 | Necklace: Hot Topic | Headband: Wish.Com
I love this Star Wars v-neck shirt my sister gave me last Christmas. She said she got it from JCPenney's but I can't seem to find a link for it anywhere (sorry!). It's light and breezy, but just slightly sheer though so I wear a cami tank underneath it.
I have a short torso so I've been all about tucking my shirts into whatever bottoms I'm wearing. This was actually my first time wearing shorts out all year. I'm a little heavier than I used to be, and I'm super self conscious about how my legs and knees look so shorts are usually out of the question. In putting together this outfit, however, it just didn't make sense to not wear shorts especially with the warm weather. I sucked it up and chose this pair of high waisted distressed denim shorts I had bought from SheIn but never actually wore due to reasons just mentioned. I liked that they were really comfortable, didn't ride up much, and weren't too short or too big in the waist. I haven't changed my mind about wearing shorts and will probably only wear them in cases where I really have to (like the beach), but I'm glad I have these if and when that happens!
For the longest time I felt like I was the only person who didn't have a plaid button down shirt. I was always looking for one but I could never find one (or really any button down top) that fit me right. The arms always fit me strange. I found something on Vinted I sorta liked but it was a bit too fitted - what I wanted was something a bit more oversized - something that looked like I had stolen it from my boyfriend's closet. I finally found what I had been looking for in this great plaid shirt from Hot Topic! The fit is great, the material is good, and it's nice and warm! I wore it during my Valentine's Day trip to Yosemite where my boyfriend and I took couples photos in our matching plaid shirts xD
Moving on to accessories, I received the amazing Star Wars Chewbacca bag courtesy of HalloweenCostumes.Com - a REALLY, really awesome site that has a whole lot more than what their name says. My combat boots were another Christmas gift from my sister, and I absolutely love them (she has great taste!). I got the leather choker on clearance from Forever 21 so, unfortunately, they don't sell it anymore. Also can I just say, I've never worn a choker (outside of cosplay) before but I've always loved how they look and I hope I can keep wearing them even if they do make me look way edgier than I am. I'm also wearing a little R2-D2 necklace from Hot Topic (sorry we didn't really get any close up shots). Last thing I'm wearing is a cute little braided headband that I bought (for only a dollar!) from the Wish app - something I've recently become just a tiny bit obsessed with (anyone else??).

I had so much fun doing this quick little shoot with my dad during one of his recent LA visits! I was showing him around one of my favorite areas in LA, Little Tokyo, before going to the Arts District where we were originally planning to take some photos. I saw this open area behind the main plaza and thought it might be a nice place to take a few shots since it was in the shade and there weren't a lot of people around. It was pretty windy though as you can see in the photos although I actually really like the "wind machine" look it gave my hair. I did have to hold my hair out of my face quite a bit though so sorry for how often I'm doing that in the pictures! >.<
We never made it to the Arts District as we lost track of time exploring so I'm really glad we took these shots and I'm really happy with how they turned out! With all my health issues the past couple months, it's rare that I look at myself and think that I look pretty. Not that I suffer from low self esteem, those days are over. I know that I am beautiful and loved and perfect in the eyes of my Heavenly Father, but still...most days I just feel gross and sick and weak so to see these pictures where I look happy and healthy (!) and even kinda cool (LOL) reminds me to not give up - that I still have it in me to be this person. Not just in photos but in real life too. #MotivationMonday!
That's it for today's outfit post! Really hoping I'm feeling well enough and can do another one soon with my dad coming back to visit this week! I'm planning on saying goodbye to my beloved long hair this week as well so I might look drastically different the next time you see me...we'll see ;)
Linking up with these lovely blogs <3