Occasionally it's quite amusing to stand back and think about how many people across the world are enamoured with 'the bath bomb'; how consumers will flock, queue for hours and invest so much money in a product that is basically sodium bicarbonate, fragrance and colouring hand-pressed together. I'm not for one second ridiculing this notion - I think this website holds enough evidence to make a strong case that I am a pretty big fan of those colourful explosions myself, but it is still an entertaining thought nonetheless.
The reason I have mentioned this idea is that the recent arrival of Metamorphosis Bath Bomb generated a fair bit of excitement when social media first got a glimpse of the exclusive limited edition product back in September - not only because it was sold exclusively at Lush's Creative Showcase event and was very hard to get a hold of, but also because its design was something far different than anything Lush had ever released before.

Fizzing immediately upon hitting the water, Metamorphosis begins by sending out waves of metallic-grey streams across the surface, which remain prominent for quite some time once the whole bath bomb has dissolved. What is impressive is that within a matter of seconds waves of yellow and pink, and later on green and orange colour make their way out and bubble and froth to create a very unique experience.
This abundance of colour not only merges with the silver streaks to create a beautiful rainbow across the surface of the water, but slowly transforms the colour of your bath from a murky, grey to a warming shade of orange. This whole transformation takes place across a two minute time span and leaves you with an attractive, fragrant bath to submerge yourself into.
Sporting a brand new scent, this beautifully crafted ballistic smells almost exactly what you'd imagined it to be like. Containing black pepper, cinnamon and myrrth, Metamorphosis is like the cranky older brother of Lord Of Misrule - a dry, dusty and slightly smokey collaboration of smells.
Both out of the packet and in the bath, its aroma reminds me a little of what I can imagine Lord Of Misrule smelling like if you were to remove the tonka absolute and turn out the spice a little on the patchouli. This particular bath bomb doesn't have any of the sweet elements that either of the above ingredients can add to a smell. Instead, you get a warming note of cinnamon intertwined with an almost sap-like thread of myrrh. Alongside this is a note of black pepper, stripped of its heat but with an intense smell that brings all three components together.

After exiting the bath, I found that there were gentle notes of all three ingredients on my skin, and while it wasn't the strongest of aromas, I could still detect the smell for a few hours after I had exited the bath. I also discovered that my skin felt quite smooth and soft after bathing in the water, even though the water didn't particularly feel overly moisturising while I was in the tub.
Although I wouldn't say that this comes close to rivalling or replacing Lord Of Misrule (that in itself would be a near impossible feat), it's a unique and very intense aroma that would appeal to fans of this, Blue Skies and maybe even Tramp. I cannot wait for Lush to unleash this into the world because I know it'll be a firm favourite among many Lush fans.
Quantitative Ingredients: Unsure.
Vegan?: Yes.
2016 Price: £3.95 each.
Year Of Original Release: 2016.
Scent Family:
Metamorphosis Bath Bomb
Rentless Liquid Perfume